Clear the Show 'Regular' Shooters Only check mark on the Shooters Info menu.
The button on the toolbar changes to read List of All Shooters.
Click that button. Then enter another four shooter names.
This time, notice that the 'Regular' shooter box is not checked when you enter new shooters. Leave it unchecked for the 4 additional names you enter.
Notice that the 'regular' shooters (those for whom the 'Regular' shooter' box was checked) have asterisks in the left hand column. The total number of shooters in the database is now 10.
Sam's and my names are in blue because I marked us as Staff and have set Program Preferences to highlight staff in blue.
You can click the Last Shot tab to sort shooters by how recently they've participated in your events.
The Last Classif tab sorts by the date shooters last completed a Classifier match.
The S.O. tab shows only the shooters rated as safety officers. And you can also sort by IDPA number and by email address.
Click Close Window to continue the tutorial. (Or you could leave the window open if you prefer.)