ForScore's old BUG division (which could be retitled for your match as you pleased) is now the SIDE match division.


BUG has been made a "real" IDPA division.  It does not participate in equity calculations.


The new version of ForScore will set the BUG classifications for the shooters in your database to one level less than their highest existing classification, per in the 2015 rulebook.


For a NORMAL match, BUG behaves like REV.

In other words, you will specify BUG-S for semi-automatics or BUG-R for revolvers.

And you have the same option as with REV as to how those are displayed on your match results.


For a SPECIAL BUG match, you can actually split BUG into two separate divisions.


In this case, semi-autos will be scored separately from revolvers, and awards will be calculated separately.