Compare Module - Setting Up the Match

You are going to want to have two people (or two groups of people) entering the same score sheet data into two identical match databases.

So what you'll want to do is:

1.  Plan your computer setup.  Refer to the separate Network_Setup.pdf document for some configuration suggestions.  Designate one computer as the primary entry machine, and another as the secondary.  Load and activate ForScore on both machines.  These will be the two machines containing your match data, and I'll refer to them here as your servers, even though they could be running on a regular laptop.

2.  If you are going to have multiple people entering data into each database, set up additional computers.  Make sure the computers sharing the primary data entry can all connect to the primary server.  Ditto the secondary machines to the secondary server.  I'll refer to these additional machines as workstations.

3.  On each of the workstations, map a drive to the shared folder on the appropriate server.  Make a shortcut on each workstation to run ForScore from that share.  Specify in the shortcut that ForScore will "start in" that shared folder, so it is using the data files on the server.

4.  Create the match on one computer.

5.  Register shooters.  Specify guns and Event Module stuff if applicable.

6.  Copy the C:\Program Files\ForScore\DATA folder and all of its contents (except possibly config.tps) into the DATA folder on both servers.  Both will now have the identical matches set up.  Of course, if you're creating the match and registering shooters on one of the computers you're going to be using as a server during your match, then you need only copy the DATA folder to the other server.

7.  Use the Alternate Entry Background Color if you wish so that you can tell at a glance which machine(s) are secondary.  The alternate entry background color information is stored in the config.tps data file, as is the custom screen background text if you're using it, so you will not want to copy that file when you're copying your match setup data.

8.  Both teams enter all scores on each system.

9.  After the match (or at intervals during the match), use the Compare button on one server to browse to the DATA folder on the other server.  The Compare module need only be activated on one of the servers.

I'll henceforth refer to the machine from which you're initiating the comparison as the local computer and the computer with which you're making the comparison as the remote computer.

You will get a listing of any stage entries that are not the same on both systems.


Read the "Compare Cheat Sheet" PDF in the ForScore Folder!