In that both the regular match results and the extracted Classifier results will probably be posted on your website at the same time, I like to link the Classifier match to the regular match. Of course, you can just add separate links to your clubs home page if you prefer.
I use the Custom Header feature of the Web Page Wizard to create the link. Of course, since I'm linking from my main match, this has to be done on the results page for the main match!
You'll need to know how to write the appropriate HTML code.
This HTML code creates the header box shown in the following screen shot.
If you want to paste just the part that links to the Classifier, you can copy this into your header area (change the file name of the Classifier match to match your own Classifier's file name, instead of the 2011-02-05A.htm that was my match.)
<p>This match was part Classifier and part scenario stages.<br />People whose scores show here as Did Not Finish only shot the Classifier stages.</p><div align="center"><a href="2011-02-05A.htm">Classifier Match Results</a></div> |
Here's what the page header looks like.