As you've seen from these illustrations, web page results and PDF results use file names derived from the date of the match. A match held on August 2, 2004 would yield results names 2004-08-02.htm
What happens if you hold two (or more) separate matches on one day?
In that case, the software will put a letter after the date., i.e. 2004-08-02A.htm
When you are creating the second (or third, or whatever) match, the New Match Wizard will inform you of the letter it will be using:
That letter will appear on the list of matches. It cannot be modified. This shot shows a real example where I used the Classifier Extraction Wizard to copy the Classifier stages from a large match into a separate Classifier match so they could be scored and uploaded to the IDPA website.
For more explanation of the meaning of items on this screen, click here.