Sessions (Shooting Days or Time Periods)

You can specify two or more 'sessions' for a sanctioned match, and can divide shooters amongst them.

NOTE:  The squadding wizard will not work with a match divided into sessions.

I've chosen this term because a session might be a day, a part of a day, or multiple days.

To configure a match this way, first designate it as a 'sanctioned match' in match setup.


You can optionally give a meaningful name to any of the sessions you plan to use.  To do so, select the Custom tab in match setup.



Then click the Edit Session Names button.



Whether or not you've specified session names, if you've designated a match as 'sanctioned' there is a place on the shooter registration screen to enter a session number.

NOTE:  If you're doing a sanctioned match and not using sessions, just leave that number set to zero.

The hot key to jump to the session entry is Alt+Z.

Beneath the match date, the session name appears.  That name will update when you Tab off of the session entry field or click any other item on this screen.



The sanctioned match (wide) registration screen has a new tab to sort and print by session.  Only the session number appears on the browse list, but the names you've given the sessions will appear on printouts.



Once you've registered shooters in sessions, you can opt whether you want to limit your score entry screen accordingly.

NOTE:  Even if you do limit this screen, you can still scan a barcode or use the Direct entry screen to modify scores for anyone in the match.


When you enter a number in the sessions box, you'll need to hit Tab or click some other control on the screen to force it to re-sort.

The Compare and Missing Scoresheets wizards will also limit themselves to the session you've selected.