Each shooter registration needs a number that is unique for a specific match.  This goes for SIDE registrations as well, of course.

ForScore provides two strategies to simplify this.



You can treat SIDE registrations like any other registrations, and assign consecutive shooter numbers by default.  As you can see in the top example, when I said to register Jane in SIDE division as well she was assigned shooter numbers 6 and 7.

In this case, SIDE registrations are 'interleaved' with regular registrations.


With our club, people pay a separate registration for SIDE stages.  So I find it easier to have a separate set of shooter numbers for SIDE stages.


If I start numbering SIDE shooters at 201, for example, shooter 201 will correspond to the first guy on my SIDE sign-in page, 202 to the second, etc.

In this case, I need to enter a 'seed' number at which to begin numbering SIDE registrations.  With a new match, that defaults to 201.  If you typically have more than 200 registrations for a match, you could set it higher.

I've registered several shooters in the match at the right.  Some are only in a regular division, some are also in SIDE.  The 'seed' number (which is the shooter number for the next SIDE registration) is currently 204.