The Squadding Wizard will divide your registered shooters into squads for a match.

The logic it follows is this:

1.  Look for any shooters who are registered more than once in a match.  If Jane and Bob are each registered twice, put both of Jane's registrations into one squad and both of Bob's into another.

2.  Sort shooters by classification, and spread them evenly over the squads.  That way, each squad gets approximately the same number of masters, experts, etc.

3.  If your staff is shooting separately (perhaps the day before the match), you can elect to squad staff separately (in squad 90).

4.  Any SIDE registrations will be assigned to squad 99.

The reason for putting staff into squad 90 is that when you add shooters to a match, by default they are entered in Squad 0.


If you check the Don't change any existing squad assignments box, the wizard will only create squad assignments for shooters who are presently shown in Squad 0.  This way, you can try to accommodate folks who want to be squadded together, and then use the wizard to distribute the rest of the (unsquadded) shooters among the various squads.

Whether or not that "don't change" box is marked, the wizard will not change squad assignments you have locked.


To access the wizard, select to view your match registrations by squad, then click Auto Squad.



Choose the number of shooters you want on each squad.

As mentioned above, you can also elect to exclude staff.

Confirm your choices:



And finish the wizard.  Squad assignments I've locked weren't changed.