We're now back at the results screen. Jane's information has been entered, and her final score appears.
I'm going to work with entering data by stage, now, so I've switched the Entry Mode to Stage and selected to enter data for stage 5.
I've also decided I'm going to select shooters by number, rather than by name, so I've clicked on the By Number tab. (If I'm in a hurry, how much more likely do you think I am to make a mistake and enter Sam Spade's CDP scores in his revolver registration, for example? Also, I can use the same hand position on the numeric keypad to select shooter numbers and then to enter their scores.)
NOTE: Rather than using the mouse to select the By Number tab, you can type the hot key (F3).
Make sure the Data Entry Warning Beep box is checked.
I've started entering Sam Spade's REV shooter number.. See where the first digit (8) is circled at the lower left of the screen. If I make a mistake in typing the number, I can use the Backspace key on the keyboard to make the correction. (Backspacing, of course, also works if I'm on the By Name screen and locating a shooter's record by typing his last name.)
You can also use the Refresh button to erase what you've typed, although that's not its primary purpose.
In this case, typing 8 is enough to get me to Sam's REV record, so I'll hit Enter. (Again, use the mouse if you prefer.)
This screen is like the last one I used, except the Next and Previous buttons no longer appear because I'm just entering data for stage 5 and my score sheets may be in any order.
After you've entered his data, hit Enter on the keyboard or click OK.