Most of the matches I score, I hit the numeric keypad plus key to go from string time to the first target points down entry.
At Nationals, however, we've entered magazine capacity, and that entry is positioned between the string time and the target points. (For more information on mag cap checking and equipment adjustment checking, see the the section on equipment thresholds).
As of the World match in 2011, they used "squad moms" to watch over equipment and no longer entered mag cap on the score screens. But that functionality is still there.
But not all score sheets wind up having the mag capacity written in, so sometimes that field needs to be skipped over. If I space out on the ten key, it's easy to put points down into the mag capacity entry by mistake.
So there's an additional optional warning that will object if you enter a low number in the mag capacity field. It defaults to 6. So yes, you can still enter "8" as the mag cap instead of as target points down, but you're likely to have fewer Compare errors related to mag cap.